Top 10 Energy Saving Tips

  1. Understand your fuel bills. Switching suppliers can save £100s.
  2. Use a bowl to wash up. Save £30.
  3. Controlling your heating via a smartphone or tablet.
    Save £70.
  4. Turn the thermostat down by 1º. Save £90.
  5. Spend 1 minute less in the shower.  Save £50.
  6. Draught proofing. Save £35.
  7. Switching off appliances at plug. Save £30.
  8. A water efficient shower head. Save £67 off gas bills and £100 on metered water.
  9. Switch to efficient LED lights. Save £30.
  10. Switch off lights – and save around £15.

Our estimated savings are for a family house.
Get more tips and advice from Energy Saving Trust – tel. 0300 123 1234

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